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Prototyping with a 3D Printer

All we need to design the lost wax mould that will give life to your unique object, is your drawing or even just an idea. With our 3D printer, we can create precise, customised models.

There are no limits to creativity when making the mould, however complex it is. We can make any late changes or corrections much faster than with a traditional production cycle, with considerable savings not only in costs, but also in time.

Titanlux s.r.l. | Head Office: Via Saviabona, 143 - 36010 Cavazzale di Monticello C.O. (VI - Italia) | Logistics Office: Via Trento, 12A - 3600 Cavazzale di Monticello C.O. (VI - Italia) | Tel. 0444 297684 | Mobile: 348 8560000 | Email: | VAT 04289280242 | Codice SDI: W7YVJK9 | Registro Imprese di Vicenza n. 393492 | Cap. Soc. I.V. € 10.000 | Admin | by Evisole Web Agency | Sitemap‎‎ | Privacy policy | Cookie policy